Welcome to our website. In the questions and answers that follow we'd like to tell you a little about ourselves and what we do. If you have any further questions, or require more information, please don't hesitate to contact us. | |||||||
What do we do? We provide capital to companies, organizations and institutions which have the need to acquire fixed assets. |
How do we do it? We set up lease agreements based on the acquisition of specific equipment which your company or organization needs to acquire. |
What kind of equipment? | |||||||
What $$$$ value do we
handle? From $1500.00 to several $ million. |
What terms do we
provide? Generally 100% financing over 12 months to 5 years. The repayment schedules can be monthly, quarterly, annually, seasonal, skip, ballooned or step up and step down. Other options include Sales/Leaseback of equipment which a customer has recently bought and has subsequently decided to lease. |
Why should you consider leasing? | |||||||
Why come to North American to lease? | |||||||
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Contents copyright © 1999-2000 North American Lease Underwriters Inc. |